The Character of Christian Waiting

Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly
Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly, a pioneer religious leader, came from a family of Methodist ministers. Her life as a high school social studies teacher, mother of four, and wife of a Methodist minister was like that of many other women until her husband’s death in 1969. Kelly then received her own “call” to ordained ministry. Kelly was a social activist, advocating many progressive and controversial issues, including the end to nuclear armaments, opening up the church to gays and lesbians, and ministry to AIDS victims. Her work for social justice was recognized with numerous honors and awards, including ten honorary doctorate degrees.

Preached: November 14, 1976
Duke University Chapel

“It is in the waiting moment that the Christian comes to understand who he is as he waits, really awake to the time in which he lives, really awake to the understanding of who she is, really awake and participating, listening for the word of God, and then in the faith as it is interpreted through the entire word of the Scripture from the beginning to the now of our day, living it out, writing the vision in our own lives so that even this running generation, even if it just catches a glimpse of it, can understand that there is a way, there is a truth, there is a life to be lived even now.”

Listen to the full sermon: (Part 1) 35:40