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Breaking Ground: A Beginning

The COVID-19 pandemic is provoking more and more people to rethink their lives, vocations, and the underlying norms and structures of a healthy society. How might we explore these questions together—with vision and Christian hope? Join us for a virtual event on June 4 as we launch this special project, one dedicated to galvanizing the Christian imagination from a wide array of voices to equip tomorrow’s leaders, thinkers, and caring citizens to participate faithfully in a world being remade.


Candace Vogler

Candace Vogler

Dante Stewart

Danté Stewart

Pancho Arguelles

Pancho Argüelles







Whatever happens on the other side of COVID-19, it is very likely to remake our world in fundamental ways. Already this global pandemic is revealing structural, social and moral realities previously hidden or denied, to say nothing of what it is revealing about the state of our own hearts. Many are asking: What gives life meaning? What does it require to live well together?

As everyone scrambles to make sense of a rapidly changing context, it is natural to revert to a survival mode characterized by reactive thinking, short-term analysis and feel-good meaning-making. Cardus neither condemns these instincts nor feels exempt from their temptations. Still, this global epidemic provides a momentous opportunity for big questions to be considered. There is a new, pandemic-inspired social realization that we need a reset, one shaped by (1) a sober-minded, clear-eyed view of the present, (2) a discerning, rigorous study of the past, and (3) a pragmatic yet creative reimagining of the future as we face it together and build anew.

Founded by Comment, Plough Quarterly, and The Davenant Institute, Breaking Ground is a collaborative web commons dedicated to precisely these three questions. Over the next year, we will convene world-class scholars and seasoned practitioners, artists and pastors, community weavers and those made resilient by long-standing struggle to contribute original essays and participate in our podcast and virtual events. We will also celebrate and point you toward the work of those people, publications, and organizations that are providing particularly insightful moral leadership, weaving a broader tapestry that we hope will unearth an ecosystem that already exists but rarely sings as one.

Breaking Ground officially launches on Thursday evening, June 4. Please join us for a kick-off event at 7:00 p.m. ET with renowned philosopher Candace Vogler of the University of Chicago, Pancho Argüelles of the Living Hope Wheelchair Association, and writer and pastor Dante Stewart. Anne Snyder, Comment’s editor-in-chief and the creator and host of Breaking Ground, will moderate.